Dag dig dug Nih....

wah bener bener lagi dag dig dug nih aku. tahu kenapa............?

karena berdasarkan rencana aku akan mendapat panggilan Toyota hari ini, Namun sampai jam 11.50 ini aku belum juga mendapat panggilan. aku sedikit grogo nih jangan jangan ngelantur lagi jadwalnya..tapi aku yakin aku akan segera kerja di toyota secepatnay...aku yakin itu.

rencananya aku akan segera mengundurkan diri dari daihatsu jika aku ada paggilan hari ini, kebetulan aku masuk malam hari ini, jadi rencanyanya aku akan ngundurin diri hari ini. Itupun jika aku dapet panggilan sekarang.....Doakan ya......?!


finally its come

ultimately what I am for this coming takutkan also, what is it that makes a hesitant and I membuatku able to do that should not kulakukan.
all may not end here but I will try to mengahirinya. So like I have for this long I have to call it crony "daughter" he was smart, tomboy, curmudgeonly, but also sometimes fed to make clear that all the things I became a special didekatnya. What I ngerasa every way I am going with him serasa I walk with a king's daughter with a softness and strength that exists in one terbaur a handsome man.
face cantiknya clearly not easy to forget the time I glance. sikapnya and how he can talk all melt amarahku sense. I had a few times when I ngerasa I only dimanfaatin him, then I forget all dah determined sense in this and in menguburnya. but when the eye is the beautiful eyes stare 2, when the blow-winded, merask reling soul as if all destroyed in the former without pikiranku. everything changed and all the beautiful things that membuatku forget all akan kesalahanya.

This continues until yesterday even that. However, since yesterday when I was nelpon just ask him to say he was with ngutarain it seems plain to me ... He says I now feel that he was feeling strange sizzle sizzle in life, it go She said I have a girlfriend he has now .... .

Deueeeeer ..... the withdrawal by lightning the air while I am speechless, holding that the body is no longer weak to withstand the burden of a strong body ini.Aku still smiling (actually trying to keep smiling) I lanjutin Hear curhatan him about anything that made him choose the clearly obvious that He make me sad to hear that ...

Since that time I determined to consider only daughter of a daughter who will become friends.
I sure can ....


Sang Putri di hatiku

I was confused with what I feel for this man ... as a man who has a charm to the type of opponent I have someone who clearly I appraiser ..

I have been close to the lam dia.sekitar 1 year ago, I know he ma, I initially only with making friends and chatting about the things that we find interesting, however in time I feel that this seed grows and grows bigger.

I started looking at him with a different view of the withdrawal for her daughter who is very beautiful (for me). All so beautiful and so comfortable to run in my heart. I always wanted to express what I feel for this, however hampered because of the journey along the way that I know him more than once what it is like, he is also the principle I have court only dispose waktu.so I choked therefore tolerable.

On the one hand I am confused because sometimes he was with the love of care as if she is over like me .... but sometimes half as if he does not do anything even have I felt that he was just the Lier. Section He often with stories about a girl-girl with him, they all make me so angry and want to close her ears when I talk itu.Namun respect terhadapnya so I still try to hear that. ya although my risk of heart disease.

Strange that even though I was successful with the pull of menghubunginya never again but when I almost could release him fully back him as the daughter of the beauty of true love to offer ....

I do not know if I am wrong
whether I am a fool

or woman who is unreasonable ....

O God help me please ..!



Tolooooooooooooo .......... ng ..!

Suppose you have all the know the place or when there is an exhibition, book festival, book sale, book promotion, exhibition or any computer and about exhibitions, books, and I ask the other highly inform you, that ye want with me ....

I tell aja sms or call to no


or can via email at


thank before ...!



already a few days ago, I do not work, not because I am sick, but more because I currently try to get something .. Yup s. ... bener banget meniti I are trying to register on the career as one of the toyota karyawanya .....

I inget I start Psikotes test n interview on Monday 12 May 2008, how I continue step 4 days after the Siloam Hospital to undergo medical check-up. Thank God I am still given the opportunity to continue the fitness test in the next day, also as a healthy omen I stated that based on medical test ....

day week Monday to fit 18 - 20 I am a new holiday on 21 I test for the screening this far ..... I passed smoothly up n God 4 U .... thanks god ... I also stated reasonable undergo induction on jumat it as the next step.

after 3 days doing all that I live now awaiting result of the first kerasku .... moments I am sure more will be called the toyota to take the contract ... and I will try to work smart in there ....

prayer ... I do!

> tukar


Aku akan pindah ke toyota

Setelah sekian lama aku memendam kejenuhan di tempat kerja lama ku , akhirnya aku akan diberi jalan oleh Allah SWT untuk keluar dari semua itu. A Insya Alah aku akan pindah ke toyota setelah taken kontrak beberapa hari lagi.

Rencana taken kontraknya tanggal 4 juni besok ato mungkin tanggal 18 juni, moga aja yang terbaik buat aku.....eh salah pastiyang terbaik denggggg....he..he

oya doain ya moga aku ditempatin di tempat yang buat aku confort di dalam kerjaan aku, So, aku jadi bisa konsentrasi dalam mengemban tugas dan tanggung jawab dengan baik, Tanpa diikuti rasa terteka keadaan.



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