still inget kan istila april MOP ...?

NEW AJA I ya dapet quota ngerasain pahitnya april MOP.

gini so I am told that time with 3 other temen ku we hang out to block M i ga salah inget pas per day so happens I am off work.

I own a nguber there is a comic. soalnya temen I said there are many comic murah.bener mang I have a shop that ngejual comic 2nd but tolerable 5000an.padahal expensive in kwitang I dapet 2.

well short story is all wrong and the body is quite stiff after a few hours around the block of shops M. around 18:30 hours after solat mahgrib we planned to ride the bus home department priuk peninsula. 19.00 dapet our AC buses, we are currently up and God bless you loose chair I can even sit in the chair, both of rank 3. so smoothly all the I try to play with themselves mengasyikan mobile phone with a sly movement jariku.

after ngerasa weak typing thousands charakter sms letakan I just handphne I disampingku right between me and my friends sitting in the chair memojok sandwich wall bus.sisitulah began early april MOP arranged.

with skillful hands I Have a chance to sit in the right mobile phone without taking dibelakangku have realized that. setela so long I am in a chat with terbius temen ku, terlintas fleeting thought to call someone and I find I am on the phone near me.

I immediately torn because I have HP raib in sampingku. I kalap and confused at that time. I spiteful left to right I might find a place, I rogoh jacket and pants pockets, but all have ga, I search the vault tetep ga chair, and I have to ask what tetep naught.
I am confused because no business disana.sampe saved me a few minutes ak nervous and quiet, nervous, calm again.
teru everything so I arrived at the kos me.

I think everything is wrong because I tried to accept the provisions of God. but disitulah peak kejengkelanku.
What I menggodaku continue to ask how can raib ...?
how can ga ... take a look?
naruhnya mang ... where?
I no you made macem, acem by pencurinya ... what?
sure .. just fall?

How do I ..?

how you ..?

bener bener semuany make me whole ...

anger overshadow my eyes until I until I smack the face of what's involved before I mengompori. even though I regretted later.

crimson face, my hands clench hard, eyes like mendelik akan gracious and outgoing, gemeletuk teeth and tangn as bekerjaran, nafasku heat up and start my heart rattle hard clench strength concentrated in the finger from the earlier hard clot is ready to strike anyone dare touch it again.

Nmaun when I do not feel strong again derasnya holding anger is like waves in the music code dirijen what I say in unison .... APRIL MOP ........!!!!!!!!!!

ni handphone you ......! sampil cengengesan display face of satisfaction mengerjain people ...


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