Make blog seo friendly
Already have a blog? Be confused ngapain after I blog? The answer certainly varies, depending on the destination you create a blog, a place that does not need foreverglo learn seo also a problem. But other problems if you create a blog for the purpose of the money from the internet, agree? You need a blog seo friendly? Why?
Because the Internet for business purposes you must have a good blog from various sides, such as: SEO, blog design, blog template, and-2. For some of the strategies you need to do to my blog so okey, better. One of them how to make seo friendly blog that, "what is seo?", "Why should seo friendly?"
Okey, I think:
What is SEO?
SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is a strategy / business that is done to make the blog more easily recognized by search engines so that the position is always on the blog ranked # 10 in the major search engines.
Why should seo friendly?
If the blog is teroptimasi in terms of SEO, the opportunities found by search engine users so much bigger so that it can increase your blog traffic. Because the expression of some successful bloggers, most of that traffic comes from search engines, about 65-85%.
How do you think? Do not forget to comment on the so ...: D
Now, following this there are some points that can make seo friendly blog, but the explanation of each of these points under jabarkan I do not, because the reason I have not understood correctly. So even kaprah wrong again, for that I haraf you can help me to complete it.
Nah, he is 11 he said that the strategy can make your blog seo so friendly.
* Choose a blog template seo friendly
* Optimization blog title
* Domain name seo friendly
* Post title contains keyword
* Meta tags
* Header tags
* Alt image tags
* Anchor text
* Inbound link
* Keyword in the beginning & end of each post
* Create a keyword in the answers every question a visitor
The strategy above is seo optimization seo SEO on the side of Page, what's that on Page SEO? To see the description of slikers on about SEO Page.
If you have articles and a complete objection to my posting re diblog this, you can send via email to, So I just quietly put out the source article. Or less if you agree, what if I hold a little quotation I want to link to your blog. Interested?
Upsss not the first sewot ya .... Lhoo gift ... there is a free backlink to your blog. I have heard behind the bisik-bisik, "Why do all domain free (ref), or free hosting (ref) do?".
Write a comment below and answer every comment I will make a free backlink to your blog and the result will be roughly seen as follows:
Optimization blog title
Your comment:
say the name of your blog title Optimization is bla bla bla .........
The result:
Optimization blog title
According to the Optimize your blog title is bla bla bla ..........
This posting will continue to update me, will answer every comment I enter in the article. Ayo who komentar.ayo ahead quickly ....!
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