link to us button
There may be among you who feel that the content of any posts diblog this normal-normal or why there was only a tutorial blog yes. Please understand ya .. his name is also still learning blog. This blog is my khususkan for beginners who want to learn to create blogs, tutorials and blog tips blog.
So do not wonder if its only a matter of tutorial blog.
Okey, more ...
Still remind, that can exchange links to increase page rank your blog. Sometimes you feel it difficult to make a link exchange because you have to copy / paste a link from the blog other bloggers to your blog. I also lazy ...
But if you have read my previous posting tutorial pasang blogroll automatically in blogger, you can certainly overcome the problem. By installing these widgets do you need to take more troublesome link exchange requests from other bloggers, they can already make a blog link automatically.
By installing the widget like this diblog, you can help other bloggers in order to more easily exchange links. They live copy / paste the script in the sidebar blogroll or blog they can also be placed on kebagian blog. You can adjust according to the needs or the appearance of your blog.
How do i make a link exchange script? Nah, this is how he created the script / code or a link exchange or link exchange blogroll on the blog. Follow the steps below:
1. Type of browser
2. On the menu click on the Logos, to appear as shown below:
3. Choose / click on the logo you like, as an example we select the logo is marked red.
4. Logo is divided into two parts, namely the right and left. Please do your settings or design to your needs. To more clearly see the image below:
5. Click on the Image Width mentukan size for the logo, if it is finished click the Render Logo. Wait some time until the process has finished making the logo, such as the image below.
6. Click the Download Image to directly save the logo / image to your hard drive or flash. Click Get HTML Code for the script, but you are requested to register first. So how should select only the first Click Download Image.
7. Your next task is to save the logo file to the hard drive or online storage online. For example:, if you have not please register first.
8. Login to your blogger account, click Layout, Page Element, Add a Gadget, HTML / JavaScript, click the + (plus). Then copy / paste the script below to the sidebar or blog post can also be made specific to exchange links like this.
When installed in the sidebar blogger akan results look like this:
When installed in a blog posting, the results look like this:
How Link Exchange? Copy / paste the following HTML code to your blog.
Tips & Tutorials
9. Okey, deh selamat.
Tutorials in addition to tide over the blogger, you can also use the script above to blogroll blog or wordpress blog for the other. I use the name in order to facilitate understanding blogspot only.
Klu you have a more simple way to make scrip exchange links, do not forget to share with friends other bloggers.
Congratulations to learn a blog, do not forget his comments.
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