link to us button

There may be among you who feel that the content of any posts diblog this normal-normal or why there was only a tutorial blog yes. Please understand ya .. his name is also still learning blog. This blog is my khususkan for beginners who want to learn to create blogs, tutorials and blog tips blog.

So do not wonder if its only a matter of tutorial blog.

Okey, more ...

Still remind, that can exchange links to increase page rank your blog. Sometimes you feel it difficult to make a link exchange because you have to copy / paste a link from the blog other bloggers to your blog. I also lazy ...

But if you have read my previous posting tutorial pasang blogroll automatically in blogger, you can certainly overcome the problem. By installing these widgets do you need to take more troublesome link exchange requests from other bloggers, they can already make a blog link automatically.

By installing the widget like this diblog, you can help other bloggers in order to more easily exchange links. They live copy / paste the script in the sidebar blogroll or blog they can also be placed on kebagian blog. You can adjust according to the needs or the appearance of your blog.

How do i make a link exchange script? Nah, this is how he created the script / code or a link exchange or link exchange blogroll on the blog. Follow the steps below:

1. Type of browser

2. On the menu click on the Logos, to appear as shown below:

3. Choose / click on the logo you like, as an example we select the logo is marked red.

4. Logo is divided into two parts, namely the right and left. Please do your settings or design to your needs. To more clearly see the image below:

5. Click on the Image Width mentukan size for the logo, if it is finished click the Render Logo. Wait some time until the process has finished making the logo, such as the image below.

6. Click the Download Image to directly save the logo / image to your hard drive or flash. Click Get HTML Code for the script, but you are requested to register first. So how should select only the first Click Download Image.

7. Your next task is to save the logo file to the hard drive or online storage online. For example:, if you have not please register first.

8. Login to your blogger account, click Layout, Page Element, Add a Gadget, HTML / JavaScript, click the + (plus). Then copy / paste the script below to the sidebar or blog post can also be made specific to exchange links like this.

When installed in the sidebar blogger akan results look like this:

When installed in a blog posting, the results look like this:

How Link Exchange? Copy / paste the following HTML code to your blog.

Tips & Tutorials

9. Okey, deh selamat.

Tutorials in addition to tide over the blogger, you can also use the script above to blogroll blog or wordpress blog for the other. I use the name in order to facilitate understanding blogspot only.

Klu you have a more simple way to make scrip exchange links, do not forget to share with friends other bloggers.

Congratulations to learn a blog, do not forget his comments.


paid to search

Try to estimate how much time you spend to find something with Google / Yahoo in the internet. Do you make money from the search? I am sure you did not, now you need to thank

You will be paid for each search with SlashMySearch, their system will check every 5 s / d 10 minutes and if you do a search at the time, then you will be paid.

You can generate a maximum of $ 0.25 per hour, for a $ 180 monthly of course you have to do a search for 24 hours each day. But you can also make money without having to do a search, how do?
Do you have a website / blog? If you have then you can follow the program's referral SlashMySearch, you will get $ 0.15 from your referrals and $ 0.05 from their referral. To increase the revenue you need to find a referral as much as possible, send email to your friends, advertise in the forum (if allowed) promote the website / blog, and others.

With we can do a search data as well make money.


increasing visitor to your blog

Already have a blog? Confused, I do very few visitors? Your blog is good, cool templates, navigation blog okay, but if very few visitors. It is less so?. :) Nah, do not be sad, I will first distribute the tips to increase traffic to your blog.

Here are some tips you can use to increase blog traffic.

1. Paid Advertising
To get the maximum results I strongly recommend to install the ad disitus paid (paid online advertising), such as:,,, or in the AdWords site / blog trafficnya already as high Bayumukti, Cosa Aranda, Eko Nurhuda.

In addition to the campaign online, offline campaign blog / conventional (paid advertising offline) should also be considered, such as brochures, newspapers, magazines, TV, business cards, etc..

2. Niche Content
Select a topic that really you kuasai, served with its own language so that the original content visible, try to be easy to understand, do not forget to provide "warm cappuccino" while writing, though more relaxed. Ehh ... select the topic of "niche" that do not bersipat general, but for the private blog klu do no apa2 also.

Suggestions for my business blog should not be mixed poke (gado-gado times ...) with the other ads. Klu guide discusses online business, try to be a topic bahasannya not melenceng's main topics, the focus ... focus ... focus

3. Free ... Free ... Free ...
"Ebook free", "free report", "free mp3 download", "free download lyric," "jobs", "free MP3 downloads", one that often digoogling person is "free template", "free blogger template" , download free blogger templates "," free wordpress template ".

Essentially visitors to share all of your blog for free tisss ... ... ... tisss. Guaranteed visitors will be happy come, come again and come back again. Moreover, if the tips are made for this, probably every day (yes mad times), once a week, one month, once a year (less effective). According to the capability you deh ...

4. Register to Blog Search Engine
Tips this legal obligation, in order to use search engines (Google, Yahoo, AOL, AskJeev) so easy to blog index akan easily found in search engines.

5. Video Tutorial
Create a video tutorial and upload to the site's community visited a busy person such as,, etc..

6. Domain Contains Keyword
Domain name blog concise, easy to remember and that contains important keywords. Example:,

7. Grapik and Animation
Animation like "two-edged sword," one hand he can make a blog more interesting and more attractive, but the other is like "eating the weapons master." So, wisdom and rigor is required here, consider also created a blog for what? So be careful in using the animation not up to the early intention to make visitors stand, comfortable upside down so the visitor even "vague" because the "loading page" is very slow.

8. Navigation key
Blog navigation links should be arranged in neat order and are not easily seen confusing visitors. We forget first 6 points, animation is recommended to attach the navigation key. To increase the positive effects of visitor navigation key can be a unique choice.

9. Broken Link
Make sure that no broken links that you diblog. I kebayangkan disappointed visitors and vague because there is a link that is broken. You do not know which part of blog visitors who make a stand? So convenient for visitors to stay and do not leave because he only vague things such as this.

10. Email Signature
Campaign blog via email signature I have one but be careful not to consider spam.

11. On the Forum
Diligently to create the post / article in the forum, and make the link / signature to the blog. Do not forget to give comments that contribute to the topic being discussed. When a forum member to see your comment always have weight, then usually they will be interested to see your profile information, when they see you menggap competent and interesting your stay to enjoy the results. All will feel easy, believe. Online world is not much different with the offline world (conventional), trust is absolutely necessary especially in moving your business online.

12. Blogwalking
Terbukti blog can increase traffic and nearly every blogger to do well in a state of conscious and not conscious. If the terms of the results less satisfactory but if the terms of the family, guaranteed akan strengthen friendship among fellow blogger indonesia. Hopefully aja ya ...

13. RSS Feed & Newsletter
Place the form Newsletter and RSS Feed diblog so that visitors can subscribe to the article.

14. Social Bookmarking
Submit a blog in an online community sites such as,,,,,,,, etc..

15. Classified Ads
This tips is actually quite a lot of time seize the opportunities are only big enough ads appear on search engines. The reason is because sites like "the ad line" has the strategic position of the eyes is a search engine (not all lho ...). So, I have one campaign blog on the site such as text ads (kira2 30,000 hits / day),

16. Banner Exchange
Create a blog banner or button simple to exchange links with other blogs. Tips and this has been used many bloggers, one of this blog. Powerful increase Page Rank (PR). Tips: exchange blog link with the same topics with our blog, klu allows you blog with page rank higher.

17. Self Forum
Create a street (funds, skill, time) tips is highly recommended because the forum has its own automatic akan increased our credibility and, of course traffik blog also will terdongkrak. Gratitude-gratitude that there is a forum member will recommend the blog, or create a link back. Many other benefits deh one "BISA JADI Celebrity INDONESIA BLOG".

18. Stay up to date
Generally, internet users search for information aimed diblog they visit. I also like the blog up to date. In addition, from the gossip circulating that a search engine such as google also more with my blog up to date.

Benefits of our other blogs can be used as reference material / blog reviewed by other. Imagine if the blog gives a reference that has a high traffic, so when that happens we will be swamped with blog traffic. Be the front (similar to what the ad is ....)

19. Controversy
Usually people are very interested in the posting of a controversy, just the opinion of the blogger Roy Suryo, "blogger dupery fitter."

Appear that the reaction be hard enough blogger, can be evidenced from the many responses that are both resistant, so a mediator and also agree that there lho ....

20. Hot Issue
Write a post about the hot news again, but try posting a topic that you are still a topic relevant to the main blog. Usually internet users search for information that warm again discussed as "global crisis" that of late the United States and the impact on the world economy including indonesia.


21. Free Templates
Try to type the keyword in the following google, "free blogspot template," "free blogger templates", "download free blogger templates", "free wordpress template". See how many people who search for the keyword, is not this a good opportunity to increase our blog traffic. Create a design template ago share for free, enjoy the "one way link" and trafficnya.

22. Entrecard
Some time ago I signed up at Entrecard and can improve my blog traffic. Asyiknya longer be able to improve alexa ranking of this blog, can be seen from 1 month ago rangkin alexanya still is now 650 thousand 590 thousand. Although it does not fall too significan but I believe that more definitive ranking of optimized alexanya can be smaller again.

Okey, actually there are many more ways to increase blog traffic, how each person has retired. I also will not guarantee the success of the tips above, depending on how you menyikapinya.

I submit to you completely, but my advice would that, if applied one by one. Tahukan you mean? Yes correct, select the first one between the tips above (according to my points 1, 2, 3 & 22 at the same time that the best tersulit to apply).

Once you are confident with the selection, application seriously ago do not forget to "lift his hands" to pray so that you do not select any tips that I forget or write here.

So, come on ... there are more who want to add. Please ... a sincere ya.jadi always try to keep up to date in the post


Tentang Page Rank dan Konsepnya

A site will be more popular if more laying other sites that link that leads to the site, with the assumption that the content / site content is more useful from the content / content of other sites. PageRank is calculated with a scale of 1-10.

Example: A site that have a PageRank of 9 Sort akan first in the list of Google search of sites that have a PageRank 8 and then the next smaller.

it is not easy to have a high page rank, but we may not be able mewujudkanya.

Next I explain the concept of page rank


How many search engines use in determining the quality / ranking of a web page, from the use META Tags, the contents of the document, the emphasis on content and many other techniques or combination of techniques that may be used. Link popularity, a technology developed to improve the lack of other technology (Meta Keywords, Meta Description), which can dicurangi with a special page designed for search engines is called regular or doorway pages. With the algorithm 'PageRank' is, in each page will be inbound link (incoming link) and outbound links (links keuar) from each web page.

PageRank, have the same basic concept of link popularity, but it does not only consider the "number of" inbound and outbound links. The approach used is a page akan diangap important if other pages have a link to the page. A page will also become increasingly important if other pages have a rank (PageRank) refers to the high page.

With the approach used by the PageRank, the process occurs recursively where a ranking will be determined by the ranking of web pages that rangkingnya determined by the ranking of web pages that have links to the page. This process means a process that repeatedly (rekursif). In the virtual world, there are millions and even billions of web pages. Therefore, a web page ranking is determined from the link structure of the entire web page in the virtual world. A process which is very large and complex.


web and search engine optimization

Since 1997, the company's search engine to realize that some webmasters do all it can be indexed to the top of search results, including in ways that manipulatif and illegal. [[Infoseek]], one of the first generation search engines, make improvements to our algorithm on them to prevent manipulation of the meta tags are not relevant.

However, in some cases the search engine also realize the great economic value of the ranking of search results, and they sometimes have a hidden activity of the company's SEO services. Some of the company's search engine or send a representative to be guests at the events held regularly SEO community.

Search engines such as Google and [[Yahoo!]] Program and provide guidance that allows webmasters to optimize their sites indexed so well. Google offers a program [[Webmaster Tools]] and introduce the system [[sitemap]]-based [[XML]] their standards, while Yahoo! program provides the [[Site Explorer]] that allows the webmaster to register [[URL]] sites, to check the number of web pages that they have been indexed in the Yahoo!, and view link information. However, search engines still can not tolerate some of the SEO methods and allow eksesif any way.

is a little history about the search engine can be expected this to be just reading for all of us


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